Wednesday, July 20, 2011

24 Days

Twenty-four days from today I will be moving to a new city. Okay, so the new city is only about an hour from where I live now, but still. Twenty-four days from today I go to college. Sometimes it's still hard to believe. Somedays I am as ready as can be. Then others, I get a little scared and start singing lyrics from Taylor Swift's song, "Never Grow Up"(just be prepared to be hearing a lot of T-Swift references) inside my head. 


Part of me wants to grow up, and a little of me doesn't. I think the thing I am going to miss the most is my family. Okay, I am 100% sure that's what I am going to miss the most. I'll miss my mom grabbing me as I walk into the kitchen and start dancing with me to one of her "oldies" songs. I'll miss my dad making me popcorn, as we watch Food Network together. And I'll even miss my sisters and our little fights;) I know however, that I will learn so many new things in college, it'll all be worth it. 

I have many things to look forward to in college. More freedom, new friends, new experiences, and new memories. I also get to decorate a whole new room. I mean, how exciting is that?;) I just hope my roommate and I have similar tastes.

Today my mom and I are going dorm shopping, for the second time. I have come to a decision that I am very indecisive. We went to five stores last week and I still could not pick out a bedspread that I loved. I am determined to find one today! Well I better get going if I want to find one, and I want to enjoy this day shopping. I may only have twenty-four more days until I move out, but those twenty-four days are going to be filled with even more memories for me to bring to school. Twenty-four more days until I say good-bye to this: 

and say hello to my new home:

Peace and Love,
